Friday, July 29, 2016

How to Check Directory Size included sub directory using Power shell and get output in MB

PowerShell :-  

Powershell is a very strong platform to perform many tasks, which can't be done by GUI.

A Server Administrator needs to perform various operation on demand, which can't be full fill by an easy method. Let use Powershell to archive your goal.

1- Open Powershell - Go to  Run type Powershell hit the enter key.

PS C:\> (gci C:\inetpub\ -Recurse | Measure-Object -Property Length -Sum).sum / 1MB


In Above Example we measure the size of inetpub folder, which is reside in C:\ Drive.

Total size of this folder is 1.5 MB.

That's All

!!! Cheers !!!

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